Relieve back pain with acupuncture
By inserting fine needles into the skin more or less deeply at specific points, the therapist releases the energy channels, helping the person to regain balance and their health.
Over the course of the sessions, the ailments diminish and then disappear as the body regains its balance. You are no longer dependent on medication for chronic migraine, stomach burn, etc.
Stimulation of acupuncture points allows release and circulate energy. Neck pain, low back pain and period pain disappear.
Chinese medicine does not cause side effects. On the other hand, it can effectively relieve those of Western medicine: chemo, fatigue, constipation ...
Worries, emotional shocks, demanding professional environment ... Acupuncture rebalances your energy and your mind becomes calm again.
The physical and emotional state are inseparable in Chinese medicine. In this way, we can effectively treat ulcer, anxiety, fatigue, stress, menopause, hypertension, diabetes and overweight.
By acting on the specific meridians of the face, acupuncture (or Aculift) reduces the signs of aging by toning the skin and muscles of the face and naturally restores tone and youthfulness.
Dr Zhang
Our acupuncturists, Dr Zhang and Dr Li, have accumulated nearly 80 years of experience in Switzerland and internationally in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. They determine the needs of each patient and create a personalized treatment, which may include acupuncture, Tui-Na massage, cupping therapy (cupping), moxibustion as well as Chinese pharmacopoeia.
Our therapists are ASCA and / or RME certified, which means that your treament can be reimbursed by complementary insurance.
Find out more.
Dr Li
Acupuncture is a specialty of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for over 2,500 years.
It restores the body's balance without chemicals or side effects, making it an ideal therapeutic treatment for relieving chronic or acute pain and illness. In Chinese medicine, no distinction is made between body and mind because they correspond to each other: the mind affects the body and vice versa.
Acupuncture is therefore indicated for both physical and psychological pain. Since 2003, the World Health Organization has recognized the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of more than 100 pathologies. Read the article.
TROUBLES GYNÉCOLOGIQUES ET D’ENDOCRINOLOGIE原发性痛经 (Dysménorrhée primaire) (Primary Dysmenorrhea) 胎位不正,妊娠呕吐,经前期综合征 (Malposition fœtale, nausées de grossesse, syndrome prémenstruel) (Malposition of Fetus, Pregnancy Vomiting, Premenstrual Syndrome) 卵巢囊肿,子宫肌瘤 (Kystes ovariens, fibromes utérins) (Ovarian Cysts, Uterine Fibroids) 闭经和痛经 (Aménorrhée et Dysménorrhée) (Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea) 膀胱炎 (Cystite) (Cystitis) 不孕症 (Infertilité) (Infertility) 泌乳不足 (Lactation insuffisante) (Insufficient Lactation) 更年期症状 (Symptômes de la ménopause) (Menopausal Symptoms) 月经不规律 (Menstruation irrégulière) (Irregular Menstruation) 凝血过度和/或出血过多 (Coagulation et/ou saignement excessifs) (Excessive Clotting and/or Bleeding) 乳房疼痛 (Douleur mammaire) (Breast Pain) 甲状腺功能亢进 (Hyperthyroïdie) (Hyperthyroidism) 月经周期失调 (Troubles du cycle) (Menstrual Cycle Disorders) 多囊卵巢 (Ovaire polykystique) (Polycystic Ovary) 纤维肌痛 (Fibromyalgie) (Fibromyalgia) 妊娠问题 (Troubles de la grossesse) (Pregnancy Issues) 诱发分娩 (Déclenchement d’accouchement) (Induction of Labor)
EMOTIONAL DISORDERS AND PSYCHIATRIC CONDITIONS失眠 (Insomnie) (Insomnia) 抑郁 (Dépression) (Depression) 毒品成瘾和依赖 (Toxicomanie et dépendances) (Drug Addiction and Dependencies) 焦虑和失眠 (Anxiété et insomnie) (Anxiety and Insomnia) 注意力不足多动障碍 (TDAH - Trouble déficitaire de l'attention) (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)) 轻度至中度抑郁 (Dépression (légère à modérée)) (Mild to Moderate Depression) 月经期情绪障碍 (Troubles de l'humeur menstruels) (Menstrual Mood Disorders) 产后抑郁 (Dépression post-partum) (Postpartum Depression) 压力和紧张 (Stress et tension) (Stress and Tension) 经常发脾气 (Colères fréquentes) (Frequent Anger) 精疲力竭 (Burn-out) (Burnout)
SYSTÈME RESPIRATOIRE, SYSTÈME IMMUNITAIRE & TROUBLES ORL过敏性鼻炎 (Rhinite allergique) (Allergic Rhinitis) 哮喘 (Asthme) (Asthma) 支气管炎 (Bronchite) (Bronchitis) 慢性疲劳 (Fatigue chronique) (Chronic Fatigue) 痤疮 (Acné) (Acne) 纤维肌痛和筋膜炎 (Fibromyalgie et Myofasciite) (Fibromyalgia and Myofasciitis) 普通感冒和流感 (Rhume et grippe courantes) (Common Cold and Influenza) 急性鼻炎 (Rhinite aiguë) (Acute Rhinitis) 急性鼻窦炎 (Sinusite aiguë) (Acute Sinusitis) 慢性鼻窦炎 (Infections sinusales chroniques) (Chronic Sinus Infections) 人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV - Human Papillomavirus) (HPV - Virus du papillome humain) 肠易激综合症 (Syndrome du côlon irritable - IBS) (Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS) 耳炎 (Otite) (Otitis) 耳鸣 (Acouphènes) (Tinnitus) 常见鼻炎 (Rhinites normales) (Common Rhinitis) 普通鼻炎或过敏性鼻炎 (Rhinites normales ou allergiques) (Normal or Allergic Rhinitis) 重复感冒 (Rhumes à répétition) (Recurrent Colds) 迷路炎 (Labyrinthite) (Labyrinthitis) 眩晕 (Vertiges) (Vertigo)
NEUROLOGIQUE ET MUSCULO-SQUELETTIQUE关节炎和关节疼痛 (Arthrite et douleurs articulaires) (Arthritis and Joint Pain) 背部疼痛 (Douleurs dorsales) (Back Pain) 滑囊炎和肌腱炎 (Bursite et tendinite) (Bursitis and Tendinitis) 面瘫 (Paralysie faciale) (Bell's) 头痛和偏头痛 (Céphalée et migraine) (Headache and Migraine) 痔疮 (Hémorroïdes) (Hemorrhoids) 肋间神经痛 (Névralgie intercostale) (Intercostal Neuralgia) 梅尼埃病 (Maladie de Ménière) (Meniere's Disease) 颈部疼痛 (Douleur au cou) (Neck Pain) 外周神经病 (Neuropathie périphérique) (Peripheral Neuropathy) 坐骨神经痛 (Sciatique) (Sciatica) 肩痛 (Douleur à l'épaule) (Shoulder Pain) 肩周炎 (Épaule gelée (capsulite adhésive)) (Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)) 肘部肌腱炎 (Tendinite du coude (tennis elbow)) (Tennis Elbow) 颞颌关节痛 (包括颞颌功能紊乱) (Douleur à l'articulation temporomandibulaire, y compris le dysfonctionnement de l'ATM) (Temporomandibular Joint Pain, including Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) 颈椎病 (包括颈肩僵痛) (Cervicalgie, y compris raideur au niveau du cou et des épaules) (Cervical Spondylosis, including neck and shoulder stiffness) 网球肘,跑步膝 (Tennis Elbow, Runner's Knee) (Tennis elbow, genou du coureur) 三叉神经痛 (Névralgie du trijumeau) (Trigeminal Neuralgia) 帕金森病症状 (Symptômes de la maladie de Parkinson) (Parkinson's Disease Symptoms) 椎间盘突出 (Hernie Discale) (Herniated Disc)
RÉNAL ET CARDIOVASCULAIRE放疗和/或化疗后不良反应 (Effets secondaires après radiothérapie et/ou chimiothérapie) (Adverse Reactions after Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy) 原发性高血压 (Hypertension essentielle) (Primary Hypertension) 术后疼痛 (Douleur post-opératoire) (Postoperative Pain) 眩晕和头晕 (Étourdissements et vertiges) (Dizziness and Vertigo) 不规则心跳 (Rythme cardiaque irrégulier) (Irregular Heartbeat) 低血压 (Hypotension artérielle) (Low Blood Pressure) 心悸 (Palpitations) (Heart Palpitations) 肾结石 (Calculs rénaux) (Kidney Stones)
TROUBLES GASTRO-INTESTINAUX & ALIMENTAIRES胃动力障碍 (Troubles de la motilité gastrique, y compris ballonnements, constipation, diarrhée) (Gastric Motility Disorders, including bloating, constipation, diarrhea) 酸反流 (Reflux acide) (Acid Reflux) 结肠炎 (Colite) (Colitis) 胀气和腹胀 (Gaz et ballonnements) (Gas and Bloating) 肠易激综合症 (Syndrome du côlon irritable (SCI)) (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)) 胃炎 (Gastrite) (Gastritis) 高酸度 (Hyperacidité) (Hyperacidity) 便秘 (Constipation) (Constipation) 腹泻 (Diarrhée) (Diarrhea) 体重过多 (Excès de poids) (Overweight) 痔疮 (Hémorroïdes) (Hemorrhoids) 克罗恩病 (Maladie de Crohn) (Crohn's Disease) 食物不耐症 (Intolérance alimentaire) (Food Intolerance) 肠道炎症 (Inflammation intestinale) (Intestinal Inflammation) 直肠结肠炎 (Rectocolite) (Rectocolitis)
DERMATOLOGIE痤疮 (Acné) (Acne) 湿疹 (Eczéma) (Eczema) 瘙痒 (Démangeaisons) (Itching) 银屑病 (Psoriasis) (Psoriasis) 皮疹 (Éruptions cutanées) (Skin Rashes) 针灸美容祛皱祛疤 (Acupuncture esthétique pour éliminer les rides et les cicatrices) (Acupuncture Beauty Treatment for Wrinkles and Scars) 不安腿 (Syndrome des jambes sans repos - RLS) (Restless Legs Syndrome - RLS)
Feel free to contact us for a consultation
on what treatments might be best for you.
Book now
During your first consultation, the therapist makes a diagnosis in Chinese medicine in order to adapt his therapeutic method to your profile and thus create a personalized treatment.
This allows him to direct you towards acupuncture, moxibustion, auriculotherapy, cupping therapy, a prescription for herbal medicine, Tuina massage, or even advice on how to adjust your life style.
First session duration, approx 65 min - CHF 165.00
Different points of the body are stimulated with very fine (sterile) needles along your meridians, thus to free the energy channels. There are around 1000 acupuncture points, each with a specific function and related to different organs.
Mixture of dried herbs that are burnt to warm the meridians or meridian points. This technique is used, for example, to warm the uterus to treat certain types of infertility.
This vacuum sucking technique gently pulls the muscles and fascia upwards. By attracting toxins to the skin's surface, the immune system is getting better and greatly improved. Cupping therapy is particularly suitable for treating sore muscles and back pain. It also improves lymphatic circulation.
Tui Na massage requires precise Chinese diagnosis for optimal treatment. We work with different massage techniques specific to tuina (pressure, kneading, friction…) to release physical and energetic blockages in the body, correct tendino-muscular and musculo-articular disorders.
It can also help fight, among other things, insomnia, constipation, headaches and migraines as well as tensions related to stress. It can be an alternative or complementary to acupuncture.
One of the little-known branches of Chinese medicine is the Xiao Er Tui Na or pediatric tuina. It is a specific massage that can treat small children (0 to 10 years old) instead of using acupuncture.
Based on the principles of Chinese medicine, the therapist makes a diagnosis to determine the cause of the problem and treat it at its root. Soft and simple, the pediatric tuina does not involve any manipulation.
Points or areas are massaged using specific techniques. These massages aim to strengthen the weakened ground or the system in imbalance. Complementary to Western medicine which treats Acute (asthma attack, constipation), pediatric tuina also treats the root. As the sessions progress, the problem is less and less frequent and less and less severe.
The child is less and less dependent on medication until it is no longer so: asthma, constipation, diarrhea, stomach ache, headaches, convulsions, pyretic syndrome, cough, rhinitis ...
It is also a solution for problems such as bedwetting, crying at night, anxiety, hyperactivity, listlessness, stunted growth, or when the child shakes his head to fall asleep. Finally, any problem arises from an imbalance and necessarily has a solution.
Course of a session
Depending on the problem encountered, I use the appropriate massage. Soft and simple, it does not involve any manipulation. The parent is invited to participate and take notes so that they can continue the care at home every 1 or 2 days until recovery. Then 1 to 2 follow-up sessions may be necessary to readjust the massage according to the progress.
Asthma example
The xiao er tui na massage aims to strengthen the weakened ground or the system in imbalance (different from the respiratory physiotherapy which makes up the mucus mechanically). As the sessions progress, the seizures are less and less frequent and less and less severe.
Patrick 9 months: in the emergency room every week. Notorious effects after 10 days, complete disappearance after 1.5 months.
Arthur 6 years old: chronic asthma for 4 years. Complete disappearance of symptoms after 2 weeks.
Ontake is a method from Japan that uses a piece of bamboo filled with moxa that is burned and allowed to consume.
The piece of bamboo thus warm is used by tapping along the meridians according to a rhythm specific to each meridian. The patient lulled by the rhythm, relaxed by the light hot percussions, lets his body and his mood recover. Very effective for stress, immediate in the treatment of pain for children.
The Chinese pharmacopoeia is one of the 5 branches of traditional Chinese medicine, it includes mainly plant but also animal, mineral and fungal substances. There are over 8,000 ingredients listed, of which 800 are in common use, and some are banned these days.
Used for centuries in China and it is the preferred approach for many acute and chronic conditions. Depending on your pathology and the resulting imbalance, the herbalist will prescribe a mixture of ingredients from the Chinese pharmacopoeia adapted to your terrain and your pathology.
More specifically, pharmacopoeia will be used to strengthen acupuncture treatment for the elderly, long-term sick people where energy is deficient.
Epidemic or contagious diseases, which is topical with covid, can be treated with pharmacopoeia. This is taken as a decoction of whole or ground plants, concentrated powder or capsules. You can also make external preparations that can be made into a poultice. Ex: wart, ulceration in diabetes...
Schedule appointments by calling 022 788 33 33 (Geneva Centre) or 078 318 19 88 (Champel).